
How To Upload Resume To Linkedin July 2019

LinkedIn is one of the nigh powerful career tools for your job search other than your resume. Many employers check on a candidate's social media and LinkedIn profile before scheduling an interview or making a chore offer. Given the importance of the LinkedIn contour, many job seekers enquire "Should I include my LinkedIn URL on my resume"?

The answer is that it depends on your LinkedIn profile and resume. We'll go over when, where and how to include a link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume.

Here is what this post covers:

  • Should I include my LinkedIn URL on a resume?

  • When should I remove my LinkedIn URL from my resume?

  • Where to include a LinkedIn profile URL on your resume

Should I include my LinkedIn URL on a resume?

Yes, you should be including your LinkedIn information within the contact section on your resume. Most hiring managers and employers will check your LinkedIn either way then including information technology on your resume makes their life easier. (Hint: that's e'er good for you!)

Your LinkedIn profile is an important part of your modern job search toolbox. It has vastly more space than your resume, plus opportunities to add compelling social proof like endorsements and recommendations to your job applications. Many recruiters also desire to know who you know and what your interests are.

Yet, at that place are some precautions you need to take. Including a link to a bad LinkedIn profile will practise more harm than adept.

When should I remove my LinkedIn URL from my resume?

Your LinkedIn is an opportunity to tell a richer career story. If yous're non taking advantage of that opportunity, though, your LinkedIn will look more like a neglected front lawn. Accept some care to clean upwardly your property before you try to use it every bit a selling indicate.

Here are situations yous would need to accept care of before adding that LinkedIn URL to your resume or chore application.

  • Your LinkedIn profile is not updated

  • Your link not customized

  • Unprofessional contour

  • Regurgitation of resume

one. Your LinkedIn profile is not updated

Y'all need to ensure your LinkedIn contour is updated with your latest professional information. It wouldn't be a practiced thought to have the hiring manager or recruiter wonder why the employment data from your resume doesn't match your LinkedIn.

Hither is a good case:

Good LinkedIn Headline 4

2. Your link not customized

When you create your LinkedIn account, you're given an automated URL. This URL is usually a combination of your name along with some numbers and letters. Like

This is too long and unprofessional looking to include on a resume. You have the choice to customize your LinkedIn URL. This will permit yous to include the alive link on your resume while maintaining a neat and professional person look.

Here are the instructions to personalizing your LinkedIn profile link:

  • Click the Me  icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

  • Click View profile .

  • On your contour page, click Edit public profile & URL  on the right rail.

  • Under Edit URL  in the right rail, click the Edit pencil icon next to your public profile URL.

    • Information technology'll exist an accost that looks similar world wide .

  • Type the final part of your new custom URL in the text box.

  • Click Salvage .

Alter the end of the LinkedIn profile URL to a combination of your first/terminal name. If your name is taken, you can add your initial or try a number.

Example of LinkedIn URL on resume:

LinkedIn URL on resume example

3. Unprofessional profile

Your LinkedIn profile needs to print the hiring manager or recruiter. The first thing you lot should add is a high-quality, professional contour photograph. You need to ensure that y'all have a well worded resume header summary to lead with.

We wrote a great mail service with some examples of how to write a good LinkedIn summary here.

You lot also need to ensure that you have a good amount of connections to other professionals. A bare-bones contour with no paradigm and ten connections will appear suspicious to the hiring manager. Write a solid summary and get active on your LinkedIn. Add new connections from the "people yous may know" page and endorse other people who will in render endorse you.

Expert Tip

4. Regurgitation of resume

You shouldn't add together your LinkedIn contour URL to your resume if it'due south just a reiteration of everything on your resume. A resume is a certificate targeting a specific position whereas a LinkedIn profile is a more detailed outline of your professional career and piece of work history.

Your LinkedIn should have a broader summary of your professional person career and interests. Your work experience should also be more of a conversational summary of what you did rather than just similar bullet points from your resume.

Once the issues in a higher place are addressed, yous should add together the link to your resume.

Where to include a LinkedIn contour URL on your resume

The LinkedIn URL should go in the header along with the balance of your contact information.

The most common option is to re-create and paste the URL as is. This is where the custom URL comes into play: information technology looks much neater without a cord of letters and numbers afterwards your name. Don't forget to shorten the link earlier including it. Yous don't need to add "https://www."–you can just pb with LinkedIn.

Remember that yous also don't demand to label your link "LinkedIn URL" or anything along those lines. It'southward clear to the reader that information technology's a link to your profile.

Your other pick is to include the link equally a hyperlink. This option only works if you submit your resume every bit a .dr. file–which is actually the resume file type nosotros recommend using for ATS (bidder tracking system) compatibility. Either a hyperlink or a short, customized link to your LinkedIn profile is perfectly fine and will allow a hiring manager or recruiter to navigate directly to your LinkedIn profile.

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Adding your LinkedIn URL to your resume is a really constructive way to catch the attention of the hiring managing director. Information technology answers a question earlier they could ask it, which is sure to score points! Ensure that your profile is upward to date and not only a repeat of your resume.

If you're emailing your resume to the hiring manager directly, you'll also desire to add together the LinkedIn URL in your electronic mail signature. This allows them to easily click on the link and view your profile without opening your resume certificate again.

Good luck with your job search!

Related posts:

  • How To Upload Your Resume To LinkedIn

  • Add The Right Skills To Your LinkedIn

  • The Best LinkedIn Writing Services

TrustPilot review: "The LinkedIn profile is a 'story telling' in first person about my professional career in different positions and locations around the world! I feel more confident now that I have the right tools..."

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